We’ve welcomed the city and rode its tram, but still unclear what to do if the visit would last a couple of days more. So far, today, we have prepared Express program for people who have neither the time nor the possibility to stay in Seattle for 3-4 days. This is not all the attractions of the city, but all of these attractions — attractions.
But first describe the main disappointment of the year — Microsoft. Being inspired by a visit to the campus of Epic , we naively thought that this is Microsoft MICROSOFT (read clearly) and their headquarters must be something special, something so why is breathtaking and sweating palms. In an airplane, somewhere over North Dakota, we decided that it must pass photograph and descendants.

Our imagination painted the picture known for the films of the future, cars flying toilets and three shells…

The reality we strictly put in place. Ordinary houses, ordinary machines. Posts parked crooked, and the grass is not holographic.

And it turned out that Windows 10 collects the history of visited web-pages. And that’s not all, we are expecting another one last kick. It turns out that Microsoft Office is not allowed ordinary visitors.
We were able to get to the middle building and brand store, but even there we were forbidden to take pictures. Therefore, these three pathetic pictures — everything that we can show the kids. On the other hand, we can not talk to them and change the blog name :)

About an hour we walked around campus, wondering how insidious revenge Bill Gates. The plan of revenge struck his cynicism. We decided to go back to Seattle, after zahuhlyvshy your nearest Apple Store, that you understand the entire scope of reckoning — we did it with Vindovs background. Bill, if you’re reading this, know you lost a loyal customer using his own products.
The first place we went after buying iPhones, became market Pike Place Market. This is the case when the market can be called one of the main attractions, and deservedly so. Founded in 1907, it developed together with the city and has become a favorite place for residents and tourists. Visit the Pike Place Market — a measure of “4 in 1”, you can buy fresh food, eat, buy souvenirs for family and listen to the wonderful street musicians.
Another reason why you should start with the market, it is located in downtown Seattle and hence easy to go on raids other attractions.

Home building market is built on the edge of the hill, because on one hand it is a three-story, on the other — a six-story. On the upper levels, selling fish, vegetables and all kinds of crafts results. At the bottom — you can buy antiques, comic books and eat.
The range is great, many man-made products.

Build a covered market in rainy Seattle — a great idea, walk on Park Place could all day. But we still have a lot to do, so focus on the main points. Seafood!

The Chinese can not believe these prices and can take pictures to copy the design of the counter to Pike Place in Guangzhou.

A copy that is. Local farmers can submit product. All beautifully laid out and lovingly signed. So to pull and twist the hands of lobster, but still want to hug him and take home. That can!

Proceed to garnish. There are also serious. Chose the wrong beans… and all washed down people, children start smoking at garages.

Remember that number 12 (many photographs) — is not the price, and not some sacred number, and support their favorite team before the match Seattle Sihoks 1/2 playoffs.

“Johnny, click tomato with us!”
Another interesting detail — a tile on the floor. If you look closely, it is not just dash in it. These are the names of people. Who are all these people? Ordinary citizens, who in 80 years have paid 35 dollars to perpetuate his name. For 2 years 45,000 people proceeded this opportunity — so administration market received additional 1.6 million dollars on upgrades.

Character Pike Place — Rachel pig, also mourns for Sihoks. Like many pigs — it piggy. So Rachel earns to feed yourself, even a little to charity pays. Good nakyduyut tourists to 10 thousand. Dollars annually in different currencies.

And as you can see, Rachel not spared punishment of bronze monuments. Every tourist rubs her wherever arm would get because she blystyt.
In the market all sorts of shops where you can trace the path of a product to the counter. For example, cheese shop.

But quite atypical situation for our territories. People stand in line for coffee. But it’s not morning, and all so cheerful. Sleepy people just can not stand an hour in line.

Well, in other coffee shops situation is slightly better. The fact that this is the first Starbucks coffee shop. It was created in the US Starbucks coffee cult, now every good American before work enters a cafe to buy coffee to take away. Drinking coffee at home — and moveton relic of the past. Many do not even know what kind of coffee is not a liquid.

We defended rather big place to try this Amrita. But expectations were not fulfilled, coffee as coffee, but more expensive than usual.

Drank coffee and went on.
Another popular entertainment to guests — riding in a car amphibious Elliott Bay. Called Ride the Ducks. These machines are in other cities, such as Philadelphia or Boston, but we thought that the people of Seattle is especially proud of them. Unfortunately, from September 24 riding on duck temporarily banned by the incident, which killed 5 passengers. For irony incident occurred on land duck crashed into a passenger bus.

If you arrive Ride the Ducks will work, then go to the Seattle Center, the tour will start there. Seattle Center — is not the center of the city, and park for residents and visitors alike.

We recommend to go to Seattle Center yet another landmark — monorail. Although its length is only 1.6 km, but the road runs through the center of the city and worth spending $05.03 to watch the Seattle blue eyes.

It nevertheless settles the main symbol of the city — tower Space Needle. It was built in 1962 for the World Exhibition (as well as Monorail and Seattle Center).

We did not climb the needle. top Seattle you’ve seen. With interesting are monitors, which displayed images of different areas of Seattle, the camera can move, zoom image — a great toy for children.

We go on to the next character Seattle… about that later. Go to Westlake Ave N to the area of Fremont.
Americans are not afraid to actively build up the hills. Probably one of the most expensive real estate city.

George Washington Bridge connects the districts of Queen Anne and Fremont. The second most popular cities in the US-suicide. First, of course, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco — it is so beautiful that even people from other countries dream to end life by jumping from it. But the paradox to save up for a ticket and a hotel in San Francisco, they begin to work harder to re-find the meaning of life and eventually some of them buy a new BMW, not a shortened age.

To the population is not declining as fast Seattle authorities established on the bridge six emergency phones and 18 signs that encourage people to seek help and not jump.

Pass 200 meters and get to the drawbridge Fremont. We have already talked about democracy in Seattle, and so, the color of the bridge also had to vote in a referendum.

It seems to be nothing unusual, but the middle is Lenin district. And not in the traditional pose of good boarder and a militant, energetic, with flames. At first we thought that some of our emigrants wanted to bring a piece of the homeland that no longer exists. But it turns out that the statue brought to Seattle American, but still in good mind and sober. 1989 he taught English in Poprad (formerly Czechoslovakia, now Slovakia), where he found Lenin at the dump scrap metal, there he identified after the fall of communism. Lewis Carpenter, the so-called American, so imbued with sympathy for Lenin, who wanted to carry it to the US. Live Lenin on it probably would not agree. Statue Carpenter cost 13 thousand dollars, another 42 had to pay for the operation of the transportation leader. As a result, Vladimir Ilyich has become so expensive to hold that Carpenter had to lay the house to pay the costs.
1994 Carpenter died in a car crash and the statue was left lying in the back yard. Put it on a street smart enough to 1995. So here we are dealing with a private statue, which, incidentally, is sold. The last time it asked for 250 thousand dollars. In the meantime, the new buyer has not been found, the leader of the proletariat suffers from nelyakanoyi intellectuals, it is a dress clothe, the LGBT paint the colors. Bloody hand — it is very thin.

Return back to Washington Bridge, but from the side of Fremont, is located another attraction of the area and the city.

Here it is, Frimontskyy troll. Which, as expected, by the laws of the Scandinavian epic — living under the bridge since 1990. And he stayed there under the city program of beautification territory under the bridge and now there chasing drug addicts and bandyuhaniv.
In the main drag dealer troll vidzhav wheelbarrow, seeing in his hand.

Whiling away saying Fremont — rayonchik fun, troll, Lenin, even building Cold War missile is. Recommended for smooth adaptation to America after moving from the former Soviet Union!
And we go on, following a popular place sietlyan — Gas Works Park. As we walked, and this a 2 km weather rozvydnilasya.

The park formerly owned plant to coal gasification. In 1962 the city bought the land, but some decided to leave the building. Released cute Industrial.

The park is small but interesting with its gateway. You can see how the Lake Union ship from entering the Gulf P’yudzhet and vice versa.

Now it’s time again to get out of Seattle, but in a different direction. Come see one of the main natural attractions of Washington — Snokvalmi waterfall. This must be done before dusk, or did not see. Okay, go that far will not have end point located in the same King County. First, a bit of standard information Snokvalmi waterfall is located between the cities and Snokvalmi waterfall on the river Snokvalmi. Generally, all logical. Even you must be informed that the height of the waterfall is 82 meters and 30 meters higher than Niagara Falls, but tourists go there for some reason.

From Seattle’s best to go on the highway Interstate 90. By the way, so you have to burn two outstanding asset figures. Drive longest transcontinental highway (4,861.09 kilometers) and will cross the 5 th in the world longest pontoon bridge — Homer M. Hadley Memorial Bridge. Although, not even two, but three outstanding figures. Because you can return back to neighboring pontoon bridge — BridgeLacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge, we have two 5-longest in the world Pontoon bridges in a day.

After Mercer Island on the horizon appear Cascade Mountains. Vashynhtontsyam generally lucky with the scenery, here you and evergreen forests, and beautiful lakes, mountains and courageous.

Winter in the mountains of snow, while in the Seattle temperatures rarely fall below zero. In the city you can see the snow a few days a year. The average winter temperature 5-7 ° C in the summer — 20-25 °.

Viewing the falls is free, that America’s real rarity. In addition, you can even download a free car park. Powered Falls from dawn to dusk and the rest of the time its just hard to see. Best to come for dinner, while less likely to stand mist. As you know, we arrived in the afternoon and advise you from personal bitter experience.

During the year, the waterfall is visited by 1.5 million tourists, the main peaks occur on the weekend.

As we walked around the park, the fog lifted and waterfall appeared in all its glory. It turned out that on top of another is a hotel. So not only can we build hotels in protected areas. Still later, we realized that to their beauty, Americans are very good and the waterfall are two hydropower. Their total capacity is enough for 40,000 homes. Interestingly, the photographs are not visible, because one underground station and other pipelines pass away so as not to spoil the tourists nature.

On the fog we joked — just take a photo with flicker for better visibility.
In good weather, you can go down to the river. Otherwise have to admire the waterfall from the observation deck.

See here nothing more, and the murmur of the water casts view of the park with toilet. On the way back again admire the mountains.

It was dark, but we decided not to stop and doge cultural program. A program has been cooking show “Dinner.” Since Seattle — maritime city, we chose the restaurant “Crab pot” (Crab Pot).

A crab pot in Seattle has several features. First, it is almost always full and the administration will not accept prior reservations. We were lucky, we got in the off-season. Secondly, the order should be done in a whisper.