A visit to the campus of any large IT company was one of the essential points of our American trip (one — eat at Chipotle). But we did not expect that this event will take place before we’ll get California. However, Wisconsin surprised us. It was found that there is not just based headquarters of a company, and the most beautiful office in 2013 by Forbes version. Well, that assumption? Nothing at all? Okay, not muchytymemo — a company Epic Systems. Okay, we did not know this, too. More precisely we know a company called Epic, it is known to fans of video games for the Gears of War series and game engine Unreal Engine. At first we were happy, but it turned out that Epic is a bit different and it is engaged in medical software. On the one hand there is reason to jade, and on the other — is a ihrorobiv enough money to build such a luxurious campus. Our emotions at that moment could pass this hifkoyu:
Looking ahead, we say — no Google and Microsoft (and we visited two companies) and about not standing next to office Epic. Not least because that visit did not want to bother, just come to the reception, grab a map and walk wherever you want. By the way, the reception — another difference. Where you are in at a large company meet this sweet grandmother? So it seems that now it pomatsaye you on the cheek and treat pies.

The company has its own epic Walk of Fame. Name and prints on the wall could leave any employee after 10 years of service. Having read reviews on Hlassdori Epic Systems, we realized that the wall is not so clear. Or people who are able to work here 10 years or more worthy fame for centuries, or the company is really proud of so many loyal employees.

The main claim to the employer: poor balance of «home-work», the low score of senior management, processing and frequent cases of «combustion at work.» While at the same time all respondents stressed that the company employs smart and pleasant people who love their work and know why they do it. Such are the intricacies of corporate society.

Babulya allowed us to go into all the conference rooms where there are no meetings. To help you imagine the scale of the headquarters, we say that the exact number of conference rooms, no one knows. Every few weeks, staff have reported the discovery of new facilities. Each room is unique and is made in their subject. Of the interesting findings — subject to negotiation Superbraty Mario, Dungeons and Dragons, meeting-house on a tree.
That negotiation «resort», sit on the beach and decide the case on milyonchyky:

Total company employs about 8,000 people, so to Verona (a suburb of Madison, where the headquarters) — is, to some extent, mistotvirne company. No noise, dust and emissions.

Then it will be good enough in general terms. There are small figures, probably one of the workers left.

In the work area more reserved style. It seems that nothing distracted from work. Each engineer (programmer) though not great, but his own office.

We enter the office banned. Fortunately, some doors were open, we are completely innocent. Pictures of the band, so it lawful.

Perhaps this room is popular with customers from the southern states. Or yourself viskonsintsi come here when long for the harsh winter favorite.

Hall «Delphi», named after the ancient Greek city of Delphi. Of course, in the form of an amphitheater:

And the NYSE has become a New York nosochnogo exchange. Here employees can wash their belongings and watch out for quotations Zhytomyr hosiery factory. It is said here repeatedly summoned an ambulance in «Black Tuesday» of 2012, when the plant launched a line of luxury lingerie.

Another famous corridor. The fans probably already knew Favorite movie about the adventures of Indiana Jones.

Even reproduced the statue, which «launched» destruction of the cave. How believable — we did not check, but it really broke even be that.

Unfortunately, we have almost no time remained an hour vvidpravlyavsya bus to Miniapolisa. Therefore, the last photos were made hastily.

The impression that the two hours we made it look, probably less than half of the campus, which now consists of five buildings and continues to be built. 2015 plans to pass another 5 buildings. Then for the tour will have to leave. At the present moment the value of all campus is estimated at $500 million. I wonder where do the money? According to the company, the medical institutions, which use software Epic, medical records contain 54% of patients in the US and 2.5% of patients around the world. By the way, this CEO Judith Faulkner said at the annual meeting with customers in new audiences Deep Space with a capacity of 11,400 people. It is also here on campus.