A detailed introduction to Madison took no more than one day. On the one hand — well, on the other hand — what to do in Wisconsin three days. Like other obscure situations to help men come standard entertainments: fishing and hunting. Option "drink" we have not seen as overpriced snack. Fishing will be later, but now let's talk about hunting — or rather, on the preparations for it. Our friend said that the hunt sometimes have to shoot, so we headed to the nearest shooting range to practice. In America these shooting ranges, as we stores "All 10 hryvnia." Every American, if he's certainly not crazy at all, according to the 2nd Amendment can own guns. And it turns out that the weapon is, and shoot from it especially anywhere. We have two options — either to go to the shooting range or live in a dangerous area. Although gun ownership and secured at the federal level, yet the legislation is the foundation of weapons laws adopted at the state level, because in some states you are free to come to the store yourself happy buying a gun and carry it in his bosom, and in others it will have obtain a permit.
Fluency provides weapons to the public several degrees of access: 1) a complete ban, 2) authorization to possess and 3) permission to bear arms. For its part, wearing can be hidden and open. Because of this, basically, the whole legislative Shura-storm. Now more than 2,500 of its governing laws and regulations of different levels.
As for Wisconsin, there is a fairly liberal attitude to arms. Buy a gun or rifle can state without permission. You do not need a license for the open carrying of weapons. For concealment license needed and will be helpful to remember certain nuances. For example, a rather interesting situation with drinking establishments. Without the license for carrying concealed weapons can not be with me in places where alcohol is sold and consumed. This is a serious violation. But if you do not give rest steep images of cowboys who came into the saloon miss a glass of Colt ready, it is also a loophole — it permission of the owner or manager of the establishment. However, it will have little to hold myself in your hands, use permitted only until you "substantially" not assaulted, then — stop, otherwise tsuґunder. How you reach a state of "materiality" is determined experimentally ministers of law.
Perhaps the theory is enough time to pass to practice. If you see a sign Range, you know — you can shoot:

Each shooting range has its own collection of laws and regulations. First, better acquainted with them thoroughly.

For hire give pistols, rifles, shotguns, slingshots, semiautomatic, clubs and more. We took a pistol and a rifle. Pistol cost us a $50 to dispose of the rifle had to pay a little more — $75. The cost of one shot (the ball) — 10 cents. Let's start with the gun:

All comfort Arrow: a chair, a table. Although all day and sit shmalyay. With its arms and ammunition it cost $25.

Strelna on red — you can mentally say goodbye with a membership card. If the red light is lit, it means that someone went to inspect the target.

When the red light lights up, you immediately put the weapon on the table and replace the fuse. We are so enthusiastic that they forgot to photograph. You see the orange stuff on the table, next to the staple — a fuse, use them to fixed trigger. All tables bypasses the controller and then gives permission to enter the shooting range.

This — the result of our American friend. Not surprisingly, this state is very low penetration in homes.

We do not know that Wisconsin had the idea of Ukraine, but heard that we are there, for some reason, the controller immediately pulled a shotgun on trial, and even free. The first shot abuser intimate life deprived of any meaning.

After shooting range we decided to continue experiments with traditional male pastimes and gathered fish of Lake Rock.

Get even entire houses. By the way, very convenient — drilled hole, put on her house and catch a fish in the warmth and comfort.

A few hours on the lake formed big enough settlement. It seems that not only we do not know what to do in Wisconsin in the winter.

House or tent — not pizhonski accessories, as might think stringent fishing Spartan school. But it's really convenient, especially at a temperature of minus 12.

Some nest quite thoroughly. Judging by the lack of wheels, gather at the site of the house, and here to stay:

Finally — a few pictures of the local underwater fauna. Personally, we have not caught, so props for photo vytsyhanyty had a more successful alpha males:

Next time we'll walk the office of a large IT-firm, whose headquarters is in Wisconsin. Until We Meet Again!