Today we`ll ride New York underground, or as it is called here, “subway”. This topic is worthy of a separate publication at least because the New York subway system is the largest in the world. New Yorkers and visitors use 26 lines and 468 stations. On the picture it looks like this:

You can download more detailed version here:
In practice, it isn`t so bad. The main thing is to remember that in New York subway lines and routes are not the same thing. Although it`s obvious what are lines, by the routes they mean directions of movement between two stations, which may be situated on different lines. The routes are marked on the map by letters and numbers, and the lines have proper names. Therefore, you should use the following algorithm to reach the desired station : 1) find the station on the map, 2) search the trains of those routes that stop at this station, 3) wait for the train with required letter and end point. I almost forgot to mention, you need to bear in mind that routes are divided into express routes (trains stop only at particular stations) and local (trains stop at every station). If you have a subway map, this little thing won`t cause a big problem.
Check the balance of MetroCard before traveling :

It`s better to replenish the balance in the amount of $5 or more, in order to get a nice bonus + 5% of a sum. You can put money on MetroCard in a special machine using cash or credit cards (which you need to insert and extract at once — it`s really convenient for those, who used to forget them in such machines). Tokens fans will be disappointed — they were canceled in 2003, so you can make payment only using MetroCards. The cost of one trip is $2.75. A weekly ticket costs $30, and monthly one — $112. You can also use MetroCards to pay tolls in the PATH system , which connects Manhattan with Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark in New Jersey.

We approach to the turnstiles, take the card, quickly swipe it and walk through. Approximately after the third time you will do this in one smooth move and feel like a real new yorker:

The first thing that catches your eye in New York is subway’s repeating and gloomy stations. You won`t see any marble habitual for us, fancy chandeliers or mosaics — it`s some kind of noir atmosphere. The fans of computer games may recall one of the first levels of Max Payne.

For New Yorkers, the subway is not a luxury but means of transportation. For example, here is a photo of a famous Wall Street station:

Except waste, the subway has problems with a drainage system. Periodically the work of the underground interrupts even because of drizzling rain:

It`s very unusual sight — station with three platforms and 4-ways. Be careful, because you can easily get lost. New York subway has at least 7 ways to organize stations with a different number of platforms and routes. It`s caused by the intersection of express and local routes. Frankly speaking, it`s an underground madhouse:

It appears that the transitions between the platforms are beautifully called “mezzanine.” This is a level above or below the station (if it`s above-ground), which connects it with the closest streets. At most stations, they have a malicious look, and it seems like some local maniac is waiting for you just around the corner.

One driver can`t physically notice if all the passengers had time to take their seats. Therefore, there are two drivers — one sits in the middle of the train and looks at these monitors:

Old coaches don’t have maps of the subway and it was rather difficult for us to understand what the driver mumbled. So we had to look out the window at the names of stations on the platform. You can take the MetroCard for free in any office. New coaches have navigation:

Subway rules: “Be smart. Be safe. Do not run”. A wise recommendation that actually fits any life situation.

Most of the stations are not adapted for people with disabilities. You can often notice warning about the lack of an elevator or ramp. But at once is indicated an alternative way to get to the desired station. This situation is connected with the fact that during the period from 1975 to 2007 the authorities didn`t open new stations in New York, but in 1990 they adopted the Act about Americans with disabilities. Since then the active reconstruction of stations takes place, they are closing one by one for repairs and necessary equipment improvement:

By the way, if you remember, in our first publication about New York, we noticed the presence of cats in the subway. This phenomenon has very simple explanation — the local underground is a home to a huge number of rats. At some stations, they are even running around the platforms. We only had the opportunity to admire a long-tailed underground fauna from a distance. But honestly, we really doubt that cats are hunting rats, but not vice versa.