Manhattan — probably the most famous area of New York. So when they say "New York", he immediately conceived thicket of skyscrapers, yellow cabs and beloved series. And all this — in Manhattan. Today we are going to walk this unknown and yet so familiar place. Tall towers of iron and concrete — the card of New York:

Snow New York — a rare phenomenon. Drops only in winter. And those chips quickly removed. About the time of year reminds unless leaded sky:

The presence of several trees in this jungle of concrete and plastic can cause except surprise. Thick row of houses good protection from the wind and the architecture is the same in these parts any time of year.

Yellow cab — one of the distinguishing marks Manhattan. We have not said in vain Manhattan — in other areas of the city taxi look different. Total travel is calculated solely on the counter, no "chief, poltisha to 5th Avenue." By the way, you'll pick poltishu are not too far away. We came out about $20 for 4-5 km. For locals it's possible and inexpensive, but it seemed an exaggeration to call us a taxi a type of local public transport.

Although taxis in the city — lots. Maybe — something in the parking lot and indeed in possession of stupidity car in Manhattan. Citizens rarely leave the limits of the island (live and work here) and leave the car at home just will not work here. Parking on the street is from 1 to 3 dollars per hour, and even limited in time. And whether you're a millionaire though, but just two hours car will move. You can leave the car for another municipality or private parking, but again have to pay from $200 to $1,000 per month. That move Manhettentsi wealthy public transport or taxi. Some game, perhaps?
The machine is usually used by residents of the neighboring districts or towns that are different can not get to work. For example, if you live on Staten Island and the daily commute to work by car, it is only for the payment of travel across the bridge will have to pay about $350 a month. And that — not taking into account the cost of gasoline and parking in Manhattan.

It seems that there is still honored tradition of sending letters and postcards. On the streets — many mailboxes them regularly cleaned ministers mail:

Another interesting detail. In Manhattan, there are no bins so the good old custom of all waste and waste products of homo sapiens put directly on the pavement.

On Wall Street the same situation. By the way, Americans throw away tree at the 2-3rd day after the New Year, not the store, as we have, by April or, at least, the Old New Year.

The production process of waste a bit ahead of its rate of removal. With that cleaned the streets around the clock, all volumes local utility still does not have time to manage time. Winter trash bags can add more to the category of aesthetics, but summer all these achievements of civilization probably still fairly flavored surrounding atmosphere.
The work complicates the wind, which increases the area of landfills.

Cool hotel definitely has its own restaurant. The door of the restaurant is usually open to all suffering, not just for guests.

We first somewhat afraid even to look at the menu. Thought is a pryholomshat us by 50 dollars for kakavu of tea, but, surprisingly, prices were almost democratic.

New York — a paradise for shopaholics. In addition to large Mall and shopping centers here have a bunch of brand stores, which lured its impressive exterior:

In New York, a system of rental bikes. It would seem — nothing unusual, for this city, but it was less than a year ago. Municipal budget does not allocate money to this project, it is fully funded corporation Citigroup, hence the name — Citibike. By the way, by the standards of our countries have spent not so much. Construction's 293 stations, bike park with 5,500 bikes and 200 new organization jobs cost all-in-all at $47,500,000. At first glance, a great initiative. But, as always happens in situations of intersections interests, Citibike were fierce opponents in the face of street vendors whose counters in several places were driven bicycle parking.

The cost of the annual subscription — $95, the maximum duration of a trip — 45 minutes. There are daily tickets for $9.95 and $25 per week, however, reduces travel time to 30 minutes.
To move on Manhattan personal bike too profitable. It is possible to park in the free parking that happen quite often. If you do not see near such parking, the two-wheeled horse can fasten to any column. If this column is not provided, it hang a message.

But no harm will know that these parking lots is a risk. Bicycle Theft — quite popular classes. The clever citizens to constantly invent new ways to protect against theft.

Delivery of food and other goods carried out also on bicycles. Recently, city officials ordered all couriers wear vests with numbers.

Another local architectural detail, familiar to us by movie — fire escapes, replacing New Yorkers balconies:

Americans are very fond and proud of their state symbols. All government agencies are easily recognized by the presence of the flag. However, the private sector also sometimes hangs.