As in any other city in the world except Kondopoґy (do not believe me? Zahuhlit!) In Chicago is public transport. Since Chicago — "Second City" in the US, and the transport system in it the second largest. We love public transportation and lack of time to rent a car, use it constantly. But this unofficial version and the official — it's inexpensive and really the best option for budget tourists. So today we will talk about the Chicago metro and train. Buses here too, but we did not tell them about these will be a separate article all-American scale.
Chicago Metro called “L” — an abbreviation of the English word “elevated”. The fact that most of the lines runs above ground (91.9 km — on trestles, 59.4 km — on the ground) and only sometimes descends underground metro (19.5 km — underground), becoming familiar to us " sabvey. " Total operates 8 lines, the second of which — around the clock. Incidentally, Chicago — one of the few cities where the subway is supplied to two major airports: O'Hare and Midway.

What especially catches the eye — less local metro New York and we orient it quite quickly. Second, pay attention to that, it prettier and cleaner. And third, in cars trains znacher less. On average 4-8 pieces, and there are some lines and trains with two cars.

All stations are typical, but clean. Facing after New York , really pleasing to the eye. Fans rat must disappoint — they are not:

Despite the depreciation of decent roads and structures, chykaztsi love its underground and consider it one of the wonders of the city. Unless steeper stadium Riґli Field and Lake Michigan.

In some places underground lines overlap, so pay attention to Carriage plate with color lines and final destination. Most of the stations in the city center are located on platforms at a height of 2-3 th floor. And if you want to learn how to see the world from a height pigeons lamppost, do a few laps "loop" in the business district.

There are new cars, but it seems that Asian women in bright jackets are included in the basic package:

By order following police stations with dogs. All Suspicious person carefully and obnyuhuyutsya mityatsya:

Another nice feature of the Chicago metro, there is free (if pozhlobytysya) listen to good music. Inputs — available, face control — gentle.

All musicians act legally to get permission required to undergo an annual administration plays in the management company. Given the population of Chicago and nearby suburbs, this permit can be compared to getting to the final of the Austrian version of X Factor. Agree, not every day before you serve the best singers of Austria.

If we are talking about inputs, then discuss — where to get a flyer and how much it will cost. First of vital — one ride on the subway or bus will cost $2.25. For the first transplant of you will take another $0.25, but the second transfer will be free. All transplants must be made within 2 hours of the first landing, or have to pay again.
The bus also costs $2.25. But there is a caveat. If you are going to pay cash already in the cabin, the small pre-reserved. Otherwise, by visiting the bus will have to pay a premium, as it did not give the rest of the apparatus, and the driver rozrulyuye these questions.
If you plan to travel actively city, it is best to buy travel:
1 day: $10
3 days: $20
7 days (only for systems CTA — city bus + metro): $28
7 day CTA + Pace (commuter bus): $33
30 days: $100

To quickly and naturally pay fare in Chicago has a system Ventra. You can use it to pay for services CTA and Pace. Cards Ventra of similar vehicles sold in subway stations and stores of the city. For great desire can be ordered online or by calling 1-877-NOW-VENTRA. In the application they are simple like socks — is applied to the turnstile and pass.
Cost reusable plastic cards Ventra — $5. Then you can put money on it through the same terminal or even tie it to her or, if possible, into someone's bank account. In this case, the card can be used as debetkoyu and pay for services out of Chicago transport system.
If you use often and major public transport, then perhaps you'd better suited Cardboard map Ventra. Paper maps are a limited period of time and they can not fill up the balance. There are two types of tickets:
- Disposable ticket. It costs $3. The equivalent of one map and two transfers, plus a $0.50 cardboard is itself.
- One-day ticket. It costs $10 and kataysya doneshochu.
Remember, in this article we promised to tell you about the train? Sorry, we have misled. In Chicago there are no trains. In the suburbs you will get diesel company Metra. In the subway — 11 branches, but only one of them electrified.
Tickets for the underground can be bought at the box office at stations or online.

As you probably realized another option to get to the suburbs — a bus Pace. Learn more about them we will talk in general article only recall that Pace serves 213 routes and proudly positions itself "mainstay" Chicago suburbs (the site is written).

At first glance transport network Chicago might seem too confusing. But thanks to the foresight of Americans have a few trips you will understand it is not worse than in the account to pay for utilities. A little pomandruvavshy America, we concluded that Chicago — perhaps the only metropolis (together with New York and San Francisco), within which you can move around quite comfortably without personal transport.