Last time we learned how to extract precious stones , and yet somewhat reminded of their processing and production of jewelry. Since the jewelry industry in Sri Lanka is involved in quite a number of people, we decided to consider this issue a little more. To do this, we visited a small family ґesheft that is just in one room of a house.

It dominates the most notorious and manual labor, no prior blanks for reflux are not used. The future is going to ornament the pieces that are "glued" on clay:

Further, these wastes jewelry production zsypayutsya here in this capacity. Remelting gold — the process unprofitable, because the final weight of gold goes always less than the original. These losses are called technological frenzy and they have nothing to do with good mood jewelers. Average rate Zgar can reach 10%, to reduce losses, for once try as much as possible to melt the material.

For the production of rings or jewelry of a certain diameter used here is a similar to a TV remote, stencil:

The principle of operation is very simple. Let's say you have a piece of silver with a diameter of 10 mm, and you need it to be a diameter of 9 mm. For this stencil set a special machine, a piece of silver is inserted into the hole desired diameter, on the other hand clings pliers.

Further, all as in a meat grinder — cool handle, and silver pushed through the hole required and decreases in diameter.

In the corner office, occupying usual place cooler is dangerous, but very useful device used for galvanization — cover one other metal. For example, you can gild silver product — uptake?

Today, under the heading "Helpful Hints" we describe how to determine the purity of gold karatnist or product, but first a little theory. The fact that the jewels of pure gold — a rarity, so all of our jewelry with you in reality is an alloy of gold with different additives. Gold sample determines how many of the yellow metal is in the alloy. The most popular systems are metric samples (used here) and carat (used in the US and several other countries).
In Sri Lanka we have dealt with the carat system, so talk about it in detail. 24-carat gold is pure and no impurity, 18-carat gold (18K) content in the alloy means 18 parts gold and 6 parts impurities. In the jewelry industry used samples 9, 10, 14, 18 and 24 carats.
Suppose you have two rings from 14K and 18K breakdown, and you itch to see if you cheated jeweler, gold pidsunuvshy smaller sample. To satisfy our curiosity, we take up a ring and draw a few lines for him any hard object. Then we arm flask with the appropriate solution — depending on which test you just check and left to drip liquid gold traces.