We continue our tour places of traditional crafts and today shrilankiyskyh acquainted with cinnamon — a strategically important local product. Probably everyone knows about these spices derived from the dried bark of cinnamon tree, but the cooking — not the only one, albeit the most popular field of application. These spices have healing properties, and cinnamon essential oils used in perfumery and cosmetics. Depending on the application, cinnamon can be in three states of aggregation: butter, powder (ground bark) and bark (rolled into a tube).

All products extracted from cinnamic industry evergreen tree Cinnamomum verum, because in Sri Lanka and in English speaking countries cinnamon called Cinnamon.

Visiting a factory for tourists, we realized that here we do not see the exotic, so went to look for warm tube-like private manufacture. It was very easy. Large plantations on the island do not, because the rural population, along with coconuts, in his garden, grow cinnamon trees. Most of the farmers pass every autumn bark wholesalers, but there are those who prefer self-extracting powder and butter. By this enterprising family we navidalysya.
Near hang cinnamon tree seedlings:

Spice, which we often use in their culinary experiments, obtained from the dried and milled bark of trees. But with a little oil will pomorochytysya, the process is complex and technologically, but familiar to us — of our fellow citizens do not know how to chase moonshine?

By and large the whole factory on manufacture of oil has improvised Hootch system, in which we identified the following elements of oven for heating water and receiving steam; water tank; barrel, which is filled leaves — then it evaporates essential oil; cooling system; tank for collecting condensate.
Prepare the machine to launch leaves fall asleep in the barrel and close the lid with a metal pipe, which will be held rich essential oils pairs:

The same method can receive steam distillation of essential oil and tree bark. This oil is appreciated even more — due to a high content of cinnamic aldehyde. In the household it is not used by irritant or even toxic properties, but in medicine and perfumes — easily.
While chasing oil, you can drive in Muzychko.

Here is a small family business: father busy producing essential oils and daughter with her grandmother working on a dairy farm:

After the tour, we were invited to the house to continue the conversation for a glass of tea.
One of the daughters rather decently played the violin — a very unusual instrument for rural areas:

It also demonstrated the ability synthesizer, the intelligent ultimately strengthened the reputation of the family.

Both daughters were school-age master and to expand their knowledge of geography, asked to show our country on the map. We readily agreed, but a minute later fell in a slight surprise — in the textbook of geography, in place of the usual CIS was a big red country under the name correctly… the Soviet Union. From a sudden return to the USSR so we confused that even photographed map, which still can not forgive myself.
This time the topic "Helpful Hints" will be short, concise and clear. Cinnamon buy in stores or in small private factories. Buying on hands, tourist kiosks or a large factory — you significantly overpay.