Continuing the theme of beautiful and pure India , today we will talk more about several monuments of Delhi, who are also beautiful and clean. I must note that we are not ardent fans of hiking tourist spot, especially if they are associated with religion, it is sometimes difficult to resist and not go into a really nice house.
Delhi is rich in sights and monuments guestrooms passes for a thousand. Preferably, all tourist sites are within the city, and the sights you can drive around in 2-3 days.
The first item on our itinerary was the Lakshmi-Narayan temple, located on the street Mandir Marg, in New Delhi. The temple dedicated to the gods of Hinduism and part family couple — Lakshmi and Vishnu.

Before entering almost every church you need to do some not very complex, but not always pleasant procedures.
First have to part with shoes — it decided to leave the entrance to the temple. If you're worried that your slippers can become a prey Indian fetishist or trivial thieves, they can give custody dear Indians, which is always somewhere nearby. Typically, this service is free. If you have not found the shoe police, you can try to break into the house slippers in hand, but it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. One of the options — role play dumb tourist — silly smile and pretend as if did not understand what was happening around.
Further, all the electronic equipment you have to put in the safe. We reported that Indian gods are very hostile to electromagnetic fields because virtually all of the churches are not allowed in mobile phones, photo and video equipment. Before entering you will find a safe, which closed on padlock — here you can put all your treasure. In the Indian security alarm system, frankly, we were not absolutely sure, because in any case always been of the Chinese lock Ukrainian production.
Do not expect that you will bring to the temple at least something other than money — you obshukayut closer than the airport. So be prepared about an hour to say goodbye to their favorite mascots and toys.
Finally we passed strict face control and can safely continue our walk Lakshmi-Narayan temple.

Inside the temple itself is forbidden to photograph, but the 20-meters to the right of the main entrance is the park where you can spend your time, or at least see how others do it.
It is very peaceful and cozy:

We continue our tour smooth transition from Hinduism to Islam. Next stop — the Jama Masjid mosque, located in the heart of Old Delhi, Chandi Chowk in the quarter. This mosque is the largest in the world — pray to Allah, there may simultaneously and up to 25 thousand Muslims.

Around the mosque are many small little market because the entrance is rather crowded, noisy and nervously…

But once you get inside, vanity change instantly comprehensive peace. By the way, do not forget the entrance to pay for the camera also remove their shoes — these traditions in Muslim temples. If you travel group can be a little spare, wearing all the photo equipment per person. Do not try to fool a careful guard concealed camera in a bag — it can always view. And be sure to keep the card out of mosques — if you lose it, you will be searched.

Pigeons and other producers of natural manure here is something pretty profit. They say sometimes arrives so many that do not remain clean place. The birds we saw, and their food fun playing kids:

At prayer time, the entrance to the mosques non-Muslims is prohibited. We were lucky — we were at lunch time, but some people continued to pray.

Tourist — it is in India a tourist. All are photographed against the backdrop of local landscapes, perhaps, this photo will go to any album 'Delhi 2012 "- the local analog Facebook:

On both sides of the mosque has two minarets sorokametrovyh. If ye be willing to look from above Old Delhi, look for Indian-usher and — in a way.

To say that this is too good open landscape is hardly possible, but go up in any case necessary — at least that exercise is very beneficial to health. Well, where do without Japanese tourists:

From here you can see the famous Lal Kila, or Red Fort, which, according to the architects and builders, is equipped with the image and likeness of the garden from the Koran. At least, that is written above the entrance to the palace fortress: "If there is paradise on earth, it is here."

Caring rickshaws will allow you not to miss any sights. For example, passing near the statue of Hanuman temple — the seventh avatar of Shiva and patron of agriculture, rickshaw chided us for what this outstanding architectural monument we have not paid enough attention.

Indeed, even eager hard to miss this temple deity, revered in Hinduism, with a view to put it mildly, somewhat unusual for Europeans. By the way, thanks to the cult of Hanuman Indians are so carefully to stray monkeys. The entrance to the house is equipped with mouth deity.

I would also like to point out that each church has its Delhi mode and when the temple opened for tourists or utilities. Therefore, we recommend pre-acquainted with the work schedule of the temple, which you are interested. Otherwise come in ritual or prayer time, you risk really enjoy that view tablets "rediscount" and communication with smiling Indians who politely tells you "tummorou."
Another object of our excursion places of religious shrines of India — an unusual and very beautiful Lotus Temple. Contemporary modern architectural appearance did not immediately disclose the secret that this building is actually a church. The building is more like a museum of modern art, as well as inside you will find the traditional religious frescoes and other attributes. The central hall of the temple can accommodate about 1,300 people, and 27 stone petals form a perfect lotus flower, which is owned and resident water on all sides carefully surrounded by beautiful man-made ponds.

Our completes marathon Akshardham temple complex, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records — as the largest Hindu temple in the world. The place is very unusual. Due to its exclusivity, or for some other reason, photography is prohibited in the temple. Therefore, our impression and other details will spread unless the words. Access to the sanctuary is forbidden to carry anything except money. We even took away the glue that inexplicably zavalyavsya pocket. All personal things you can put into the storage chamber. Camera equipped interesting way: on one hand you hand over things, but on the other — getting. Then you pass triple control: first hand searched, then — and again handheld metal detector search. After such a long process and a lot of visitors, you have to stand in line — in our case it took about 30 minutes. The temple itself is fairly new, its construction finished in 2005, so do not expect that you will see in old paintings, sculptures, etc. — are present and, where appropriate so to speak of the church, original. By the way, some sculptures began to fall off small pieces. It seems that the building was not without the participation of neighboring Chinese. But the Indians did not hesitate long, planted them on glue. It is likely that for some of the Indian gods can also be useful and glue that we have selected.
Attractions India-Delhi architecture is very diverse. They absorbed the traits of different cultural traditions, religious faiths and, of course, unique Indian flavor. But the most important and most remarkable monuments of Delhi, in our personal opinion, is not the temples and palaces, and rapid urban life, which is something unusual and unique. If you do not even see the famous Red Fort or the India Gate, do not worry — truly something interesting happens in Delhi on every corner.