In America many interesting places, but there is one thing about which everyone knows, many years to write a book about him and shoot films. This region has become a cultural phenomenon, but no one knows exactly where it is. For the first time we heard about it from books Fenimore Cooper and films with Gojko Mitic. One last tip, after which you’ll understand. Cowboys, Indians, saloon, Westerns, Clint Eastwood. As you probably guessed, today we begin acquaintance with the Wild West, but if not guessed, we just told you. Generally, the Wild West can be called almost half of the modern United States, but in popular culture is usually California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico.
Let’s start with Nevada’s largest city and the state — Las Vegas:

Unfortunately, the laws of the genre — all that was in Vegas, stays in Vegas. So have to do without details confine photography urban horizon. From Las Vegas we went to one of the most famous and most outstanding monuments of the United States — the Grand Canyon. The road proved to so interesting that we decided to dedicate this story separate article, so this pathos welded shut from the Wild West, it was necessary to interest you somehow. So on the third day, moving away from festivals in Vegas, we went to the city in broad daylight and realized that there is absolutely nothing to do. The whole essence of Vegas in the beautiful vyduryuvanni money workers, and as part of their employment property had no strength, had to urgently go to the city. Grand Canyon was the most obvious option. Only 4 hours away by car and you’re looking at the most beautiful hole in the ground. Like everything just rented a car and gall, but we suddenly expired card. Of course, we had to withdraw some money, but do not give damn capitalists car for cash and parole. There was two options: tour and hitchhiking. Option of excursion vidpadav (saving $ 100 per person, by the way), so in this case we missed the sunrise and sunset over the canyon, which is 80% meaning the trip. There was hitchhiking. Previous experience hitchhiking America suggests that in this regard a lot depends on luck, and we went to look for one of the habitats of residence — to the nearest bar. Luck smiled to us fast enough at the bar met a lovely guy Mario. After a few glasses we asked him to spend a wonderful weekend together. Our new friend happily agreed, on his part — the car, and with our — gasoline. All were satisfied. To make our trip more byudzhetnishoyu, we agreed to spend the night in a tent. The tent we borrowed in our other friend (and which do not ask), and sleeping bags bought for $ 10 in Vollmarti.
A good subtnim morning we went towards the canyon! Mario suggested way to see another miracle, this time a man-made — Hoover dam, the construction of the landmark nature of the border of Nevada and Arizona.

Dam is named after Herbert Hoover, 31st US president. Construction of the dam began in 1931 and ended in 1935, two years ahead of schedule.

Another beautiful building — Mike O’Kallahana Memorial Bridge — Pat Tillman, located half a kilometer from the dam downstream. The bridge is the route 93, which connects the states of Montana, Idaho, Nevada and Arizona. The height of the bridge — 270 meters tall is the second bridge in the United States.
We asked what the ordinary people, if they named after a steep bridge. History Mike O’Kallahana we are not very interested, he turned a simple honored governor of Nevada. But Pat Tillman — a former popular player in college football with Arizona. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, he temporarily stopped a career, refused a contract for $3.5 million and joined the US Army. April 22, 2004 died in the mountains of Afghanistan from «friendly fire.» Such a story.

Height — 221 m, length — 379 meters and width — 201 m. At the time of completion of construction, Hoover Dam was the most massive artificial structures on the ground. The process of hardening concrete, from which it is built, are still pending.

Dam not only generates energy in three states (Arizona, California, Nevada), but also forms Lake Mead, which is the main source of fresh water for all neighborhoods. Recently, the water level in the reservoir began to fall sharply, it is associated with the growing needs of Las Vegas, whose was the fastest growing metropolitan area in the US. The government is trying to solve the problem by all means, the last — a ban on watering lawns. So beautiful green lawn in Vegas did not see. Note the white strip is an old water level.

A similar situation is observed in the waters of California. The local authorities are resorting to more original ideas. For example, recently in Los Angeles in the reservoir dropped 96 million black plastic balls to protect the water from the sun, dust and chemicals.

A little look, and pretty pozhurylysya. We still have time to get to the Canyon sunset.
Electric poles placed directly on the slopes:

Road to Kanyonnu of Las Vegas is 4 hours. For Ukrainian — it’s very unusual desert landscape.
These lines of electricity goes to Arizona.

The second stop on the route — a house father of our new friend. It turned out that he lives in a small village, not far from the road. We could not take advantage of this opportunity to see the life of the desert farmers.

The village has a name known chemical compounds. While together we decided that it is a deserted analogue of Florida, without the ocean and beaches, so called him chloride. What’s great plates of American cities? You know what to expect from each town. No surprises, everything is written at the entrance.

The only reason why people live here — are cheap. Much of the population — pensioners, who felt that live in expensive and bought land here.
Shot from the movie:

House of the father of our friend. Against the backdrop of local landscapes house in a fashionable look. Just do not say that the owner built it out of scrap materials.

Almost everything is made in house owner hands, creating an extremely cozy atmosphere.
Two very important things to life in the desert. Afternoon need air conditioning to die from the heat, and at night — stove to keep warm death.

Here is the master of the house, shows us his cellar. For Americans, this is a real oddity, but we just do not look so surprised.

In this house you begin to understand how «handmade» — is fine. I want to return home and must improvise a stool or a good light. In general, you cover irresistible urge to do something with their hands.

The main thing is that creativity does not require large investments. Quite find some dried pieces of wood, old piece of chain, a little paint, broken bricks and get so wonderful… what’s this? Oh, installation!

All ingenious is simple — here is another example. Dried root + nail — and you have a masterpiece on the wall.

While we were having breakfast, we talked about the night life in the desert. Nightlife — is not what you thought, and TV and things around the house, because the day is too hot to work. Incidentally, the Food drive takes up to Vegas. Therefore purchased right here in a few weeks in advance. Because of this, we were not very convenient to eat off people.

But we like Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, sat a little, then a little bit, and then followed by a second meal.

Main Street. Restaurant «Yesterday», a pity that today was closed, it would be interesting to see what was served.

To attract tourists to the town tried to recreate the atmosphere of the Wild West, or, just some old, we do not quite understand the main ideas. Scattered got cute.

But tourists still not increased. The only visitor of the lands are bikers, and then only on weekends.

Incidentally, one of the most popular places in the area chloride — a «funny pharmacy», where the presence of a prescription you can buy drugs against depression. Enterprising Americans prudently attached to the pharmacy shop with havchik.

Go deserted roads during the day is not easy. The monotonous landscape and good road quickly begin to feel sleepy. Therefore, every hour we had to change the driver to hold out longer was extremely difficult.

For the first time in life, we realized the importance of this invention as noise band. Its howling repeatedly saved us health.

Relax, and pidzhyvytysya machine can fill in the following roadside villages. This is the essence of their existence.

At first glance it seems that we have posted many photos of roads, but just make yourself comfortable, put your favorite music, relax and enjoy :)

Finally, we got to Williams, the last settlement before the canyon. What is interesting here? No-cho th. But there is a big hotel and a department store, where we bought sausage, cheese and bread for dinner in the desert.

We went far above sea level, there were trees on which we miss you already, and in general was not so hot.

We so admired the way that he does not notice persecution. It turned out we just wanted to take pictures for Google Street View. So look for us on the streets of Williams.

Local ranger, told us where to meet the sunrise, sunset and put up a tent. For this we have got him a pass to the park.
So, see you in the Grand Canyon!.