In the past, reports of Minneapolis, we have described the city is very superficial. For example, do not even mention the fact that the quiet provincial Minneapolis ranks fourth in America by the number of individuals with different sexual orientations — 12.5%, after San Francisco, Seattle and Atlanta.
Well, or Minneapolis — is third largest theatrical market States, after New York and Chicago, which characterizes the city with cultural and intellectual side. It should also be noted that Minneapolis is one of three cities in America nayhramotnishyh.
In short, these amazing facts from various ratings can collect many more. But on a separate plot somehow it all does not deserve. Hardly, ordinary citizens would meet us questions about spelling or discuss their orientation. However, an interesting topic and it was found, surprisingly, shopping. Yes, Minneapolis was a true shopping mecca, a kind of Hollywood of the Midwest, which attracts people from around the country with a small number of jeans, sneakers and jerseys.
If one of the goals of your trip to America — pryodyahnutysya, forget about New York and Los Angeles. Your goal — Minnesota, Twin Cities suburbs, the shopping mall “Mall of America” — the largest mall in the United States (in Canada, they say, is even greater).

The Mall is located in the town of Bloomington, but the authorities take care of customers and paved straight line tram from the airport Minneapolis-Saint Paul. From their side — very politely, as 80% of visitors come from neighboring states (and Canada).

Quite simply, out of the airport, boarded a tram and got to the final (4 stops). Even hedgehogs clear.

The fare — $1.75, in rush hour the price increases to $2.25. Need to buy a ticket before boarding.
When will go to the right stop, to stay the course of the tram, the main entrance you miss.

Molly really huge territory to bypass all need more than one day. To get rid of the cliche, complex administration counted how many days exactly need. If every store hold for 10 minutes, then you can handle about 86 hours, in other words — 3.5 days without rest.

We are always afraid of the name created a “World + product name.” How boring would like to live in the world dowel.

The first level also housed an amusement park Nickelodeon Universe — the largest indoor amusement park in the United States. 25 different krutilok and attractions.

To avoid getting lost, throughout the mall spaced pillars with information cards. And from 2011 on the territory of Mall of America can navigate with maps of Google.

On the third level are two “food courts” with a bunch of different eating houses. Prices are democratic, and if the ability to pump “arrogance”, then all you can eat for free — Americans do not skimp on the probe. Among the interesting institutions — the famous Hooters with cute waitresses on roller skates and a restaurant based on the masterpiece of Robert Zemeckis — Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

As for prices, even without discounts is cheaper than the mall in Kiev, and in season — better set limits on credit card. Interestingly, in Minnesota is no tax on the sale of clothing.

Here like and everything. New things bought, mission accomplished. We joined the ranks of 42 million annual visitors army Mall of America. By the way, 42 million — the population of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Canada… together, well, eight of the populations of Minnesota.
Since that did not get to our objective, we note the Apple Store, and a huge LEGO store IKEA, which in 2004 was attached to the pier for $2 billion.
Well everything to walk all night — time on the last tram. One more time, tell you about another popular form of shopping — shopping in the outlet.