Article bribed budget airline BomJet Airlines. BomJet Airlines: Give you zdorov’yachka God.pkkkkk
The heaviest burden for any traveler — is air travel. They eat up the lion’s share of the planned budget travel, especially when you want to see just as much and as quickly as possible. And what to say, all already know how many great ideas broken about this hateful word «expensive.» Somehow zashtopaty prorihy created in our pockets different airlines, we decided to explore the possibility of budget flights within the United States. Not shtovhaytesya at the door, go on, BomJet Airlines Airlines plane preparing for takeoff!
The starting point of our story is New York. First, because we were there when the idea arose. Secondly, many people begin their journey here America. In New York, there are two main airports hefty JFK (Airport. John F. Kennedy), La Guardia and modest. The first serves mainly international flights and major airlines. It is not for us, because we go on a bumpy path loukost. So pay attention to La Guardia. It is also located in Quincy and you can get here by bus. Look routes M60, Q33, Q47, Q48, Q70 and Q72. We traveled 70 meters, so we can tell how to find it. The rest you have to find yourself, but it is difficult. The beginning of the 70 th route is at the corner of 61st Street and Roosevelt Avenue (Metro 61 St — Woodside), then a single bus makes a stop at 74 Street in Jackson Heights (74 St Metro Station and Jackson Hts — Roosevelt Ave), where we dived the salon, and then sent directly to the airport. When choosing buses would be appropriate to take into account the fact that La Guardia — 4 and terminals and various routes go round them differently, so its better to know in advance the terminal.
Almost all US airlines do not include baggage ticket price. Of course you can take with you hand luggage, but for all that take with you will not have to pay in dollars. Each of its own policy on luggage, but the average one bag weighing up to 23 kg and the amount of size (length + width + height) to 157 cm will cost 25 dollars. As for the hand luggage, then acting Scheme 1 + 1, that is with him we can take one bag and one personal thing. Personal things understood not family photos or favorite pillow. Usually this cases for cameras, notebook diplomat bag for diapers or something else that occupies the same space. But here too there are exceptions — not every thing you took under his arm, is considered personal. For example, the purchase of Dyuti-free food and drinks purchased after passing through security staff, things are considered public and may pronosytysya in any quantity. The main requirement to all vmischuvalasya hand luggage under the seat passenger in front of you or in the drawer over you. While this requirement is met — be quiet, but you can not just shove under the seat bekpek your neighbor, you get to the zone of risk. Formally, this treasure will take the luggage, but many flight attendants are to not just endure, and even help hide bulky goods somewhere else.
Register at American airports often takes place without the participation of airlines, their work is done automatic terminals. On the one hand, as convenient and fast does not have to answer the eternal «havar’yu» but, on the other hand, if there are any problems, you can not talk with soulless machine. We have, for example, by some miracle of tickets were mixed first and last name, so I had a good run in search of our airline counters. If the airline is small and it does not have its rack, the rack uses large partner companies.

When you registered luggage, it must include (alone!) To the point of collection and keep it, hoping that it will not fail to take or stolen. Theoretically, to avoid your bag to be so scary, you can stand along with it:

Now you need to be tested for safety. This — the most unpleasant in America flights. Americans love to fly, queues are large, so it’s best to get to the airport earlier. If you have at its disposal the extra money and do not want to jostle with other passengers, the site can arrange in advance ($85) rapid passage through security VIP queue. Cool drinks are not here, but to stand for half an hour to make public hendehoh also not required. Especially punch people actually can pass the VIP corridor and free. To do this, rapturously and plausibly explain guards to learn that because of circumstances you can not spend your precious time zhyvotiyuchy less active in the crowd of passengers. In short, we simply said that zapiznyuyemosya. Incidentally, in US airports uses the latest scanners. If you do not want to flaunt their imperfect shape or have a desire pobeshketuvaty — you can order a manual check.

After passing the control zone begins Dyuti free. Wonderful thing — automatic, where you can get water. Unfortunately, soda quickly dismantled:

Another big plus, especially for fans take pictures. All flight passes at low altitude. It is possible to look at the stadium the New York Yankees:

If major airports baggage can go in a circle endlessly, the smaller it immediately removed by specially trained people:

And for dessert a few links, for which we have written this long treatise — a list of airlines based at a small airport and may not be available in the aggregator (skyscanner, expedia, etc.). This can really save you a few dollars for a cheeseburger, we are serious.
If you have other useful links and additions, please send them to our mail and we happy to inscribe them in the article.
By the way, before searching for tickets are not too lazy to specify map chosen Airline flights. It may be that its planes fly in such small airports, of which you were unaware. And often tandem «car rental + small airport» can be much more profitable and expensive direct flight.