Under the impressions of the events in our country (language of the events on the Maidan 2014) we are interested in statements about the American police. The fact — as it accelerates the protests, severely delaying the rest of the criminals themselves so strict. Most often mentioned in this context that the action "Occupy Wall Street" (2011) and the then law enforcement action. Overall we thought — if we came to America, why the work of the local police did not look himself, without the help and mediation of unknown people with strange nicknames.
We do not want to criticize or analyze the actions of our law enforcement agencies simply tell that you saw and learned in simple American police. And compare several nuances that seemed important to us personally.

Background begin with New York, which is one of nayrozzbroyenishyh US cities, despite the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees every citizen the right to defend the United States. Buy weapons is not so easy — for this you must first be licensed for the storage and carrying. And often it has to do through the courts.
As local police told us, they know a lot of guys who have chosen this profession just for the opportunity to carry weapons. But weapons — not the main reason. Work for the state in the USA — prestigious. It is not earnings, he was in police small by local standards — starting with 40,000 dollars a year. For New York, it is generally almost on the verge of poverty. The point of social guarantees, which provided police. It is worth noting free health insurance for life. And not just health insurance, as a complete package for all family members. Incidentally, the insurance applies not only to the current family, but also the previous, if any. The logic is simple — not to be tempted to take bribes to pay alimony.
New York police also considered one of the strictest in the United States. When we asked a local what they think about their police — often we heard something, "they pretend with yourself too tough guys." Indeed, the New York police simply drive through a red light, parked where they please, pass the road in the wrong places — you've seen it with my own eyes, generally behave like the average police. But even there it was, all we surveyed said they trusted the police and counting on her help in every situation. Either search for a missing dog, breakdown of machinery or catch the local Chupacabra. The degree of confidence is 60%. By the way, we have the figure hovers around 7%.
Overall, all the police, with whom we talked were very friendly. We even completely disappeared Complex "refer to the question to the minister of law and order." Now in every city, if necessary, to learn about some local tricks, which is cheaper to eat, what to see, where to go and where not necessary, we go in search of cops. In short, the inscription on the machines "protect and serve" — is not rozvodnyak, it really works.
Next, we'll discuss the first station Minneapolis Police Department.
Everything started with the fact that we have met here these two magical officers. Incidentally, the title officer is assigned to all the people who entered the service. And very convenient that you know how you can contact any police officer — "officer". By the way, immediately and without excessive deliberation we do not remember a unified appeal to our native policemen, only — "sorry," "Mr. policeman" and "prompt and you do not."

Word by word, we chatted and almost unobtrusively naprosylysya on a trip to the police station.
The next morning we went to surrender.

To the left of the entrance is a conference hall. There are meetings with the public authorities. If the area is not observed rampant crime, the conference hall serves as the waiting room.

It seems that on our visit and forgot to warn camera appearance caused a small voltage someone even reached for the gun.

But we had time to introduce themselves, they say, we are not terrorists, but only tourists from Ukraine and have a short friendly relations back to square one:

The essence of the meeting briefly — how a change should prescribe fines and how many crimes solved:

On paper — a set of events of the previous shift.
Sergeant prepare necessary materials and tells who must patrol where and what to do. Also, as an officer, sergeant — not the title, but rather — position. The sergeant could not become superannuation, it will have exams, but not earlier than in 3-5 years after the beginning of the service. The same with a lieutenant, captain and others. Only there's no need higher education.

The meeting was coming to an end and had not yet uncles porozhodytysya, we asked if they had heard about the tough guys of New York and what this slope can be connected. To our surprise, they found a very interesting and logical answer. It turned out that American cops are three styles of service — depending on the type of settlement, the ethnic composition of the population and resources. Frivolously we moved them as watchman lawyer and minister. So, the guys from New York include the lawyers who behave deliberately tough generate a large number of arrests and detentions. This usually happens in large cities with mixed socio-economic structure.

Since the guide allocated to us only an hour, had to hurry. We begin our tour.
Each station has a gym:

Everyone knows, hopefully — just for movies, room for interrogation. Location seats standard — the middle of the suspect on the sides — good and bad cop.

Temporary detention. We did not give out secrets that we often called it "mavpivnykom", or more precisely in the original language "obezyannykom" because not yet fully realized the scope and scale of all local tolerance:

Room Surveillance in the country.
The essence of this action is as follows: a specially trained officer sitting and watching all the municipal chambers. If he sees that somewhere in the city perpetrated evil or injustice is to inform the general line and the nearest patrol to the rescue. Another important task — to search for known offenders, ie those who are in search of. You see, right on the wall hang their pictures and a brief description of previous employment. Our question, they say why not automate this process, we were told that this happens only in the TV series CSI, but in life — a violation of privacy and, moreover, technically — very expensive.

Go ahead. Here follows a workplace detective. Only detectives are allowed to walk in civilian clothes. Our detective police have dropped the skin and disappeared into the crowd, now he does not know:

With him, I mean, boss, we encountered in the hallway and it was not aware that his station strolling tourists with camera and three lenses. It was found that two ordinary officers simply did not bother his boss such trifles supposedly led and brought that here such. Really — nothing, greeted, chatted, they forgot to photograph.
Another police vehicle — a bicycle. We will not argue that a garage is in every station, but this was:

Each bicycle mounted police, evidenced stickers on frames.
In the 1st district is the workshop for repairs here and dumped iron horses around the city:

By the way, police wave is open, there are even applications for the phones. If you have a desire, you can hear everything they say police in Minneapolis — from any country in the world.
Another myth about the American police — this super funds. In fact, no such thing as a US police, are not there at all. In every state and major city — his own independent police department, uniforms, set special equipment, rules and funding. For example, if you served 15 years in Minnesota and dosluzhylysya to lieutenant, and then decided to move to warmer towns, such as Miami, you have to start over — again become simple and officer patrolling the streets. So, on the financing — in every state it is different, there are many management and is poor. Somewhere can spend money on little things, but somewhere on computers and not enough money. A striking example — the famous series "Prowhisper" of the Baltimore police department.
In the management of Minneapolis, at first glance, all is well with the financing, but some gadgets still missing. This headset officer Lisholms bought for his, said he gave $100. Certainly radio are free of charge.

Each machine has a computer with a scanner ID. On the windshield hanging camcorder, which removes all the actions of the police and the detail of the offense of exceeding speed limits because there is almost no challenge, all recorded on video. But the cost of the fine can be reduced to two or three times if to agree with the prosecutor — officially, do not give bribes.

The rear seats are not very comfortable, plastic and without upholstery. So criminals easier stuff — that and the suede is not too slipped and, if anything, to not have to be spent dry cleaning. To deliver offender intact, it is necessary to prystibnuty belt, and then before the Court submits:

American police officially allowed to have a second job. Another question — when they can have time to do it, because the state still need to work 40 hours a week (or, 20 police jobs are part-time). Naypopulyarnishы profession — a security guard at the bar or regulator in the parking lot, it can even use police uniforms and machine, but with the prior approval of the authorities. Usually this involved young officers. In the employees who worked more than 5 years, have a good monthly income, well unless you have to pay some outrageous credit.

At this time, our time has come to an end, we did not continue. So we decided to put a few last questions. Most importantly, in our opinion — why American police do not take bribes. Such a principle? Our friends said that because they are ordinary officers, then they do not have opportunities to earn big money on bribes, they simply no offer. A trifle tempted for speeding or hooliganism — it makes no sense, because of the extra 50-100 dollars they could lose much more — social security and a good pension. Well, the plant can. Therefore, the matter is not in the mentality or national characteristics — a state offers more than can give small rewards receipt. Such a pragmatic market competition.
And of course, we could not show video of the Maidan and not to ask a couple of policy issues. First, we were told that in Minneapolis do not use rubber baguettes (turned baton — this is English — a police baton, we did not know this at first and said "stick"), a lovely golf words, by the way, "give the button" "Pour loaf" and so on. Instead rubber batons Minneapolis police using iron telescope-like rods. We were told that they are less dangerous, but our friends did not know what sticks "can" beat on the head. Second, the local police do not use rubber bullets — because of the risk to tip the eye or cause serious damage. Instead, here using bags of copper fraction. Vision they relieve, but said there were cases of neck fractures, internal bleeding and broken ribs. Thirdly, all officers have stripes with names and numbers of stations in the event of abuse of power they can be easily identified. A striking example — Lt. John Pike , who became memetychnym character after appearance of phlegmatic watered flower bed green pepper spray students. Some of his colleagues even had to repeatedly change their place of residence due to a steady stream of letters from "fans."
As for the abuse of authority, the officers reported that in America there are such cases, but they are rare, thoroughly investigated, and the police, at least get rid of.
If you talk about yourself protests, then talking with the Americans, we realized that compare Wall Street and Maidan — quite correctly. Our societies are too different social levels. We have seen that in our country the motives of many Wall Street may seem wild and incomprehensible. Roughly speaking — people bisyatsya of fat, trying to draw public attention to the "financial elite crime" and calling for structural changes in the economy. Among the protesters — mostly young fighters and for peace throughout the world. Middle class these protests were not just interesting, they are fed and happy life. We also take part in a protest very different social strata, which hit misery and endless arbitrary power. It is not well-fed society protest, a protest of people brought to extremes. Perhaps our demonstration even correct to compare with the 1992 riots in Los Angeles than with hipsterskym Wall Street. However, then the consequences were quite different.
In conclusion, we give some data from the statistics. In Ukraine there are 358,000 employees of the Interior Ministry, or 780 per 100,000 population. By the way, in Russia this figure is even higher — 970 100 thousand. Population. The global average — 300 police officers and the recommendation of the UN — 222 100 thousand. Population. In the US statistical figure is 256 policemen per 100 thousand. Population..
And such an interesting detail — in the police reform in Georgia, its population has decreased by 4 times (350 to 100 thousand. People).