We have long travel Asia, but exotic animals in general, and not seen. In national parks to have almost no one came, and zoo in Sri Lanka are not interested in their price and obsessive guides.
Zoo In Bangkok we were almost by accident, "almost" — because we went there deliberately, but found accidentally. Whatever it was, we barylysya short, the question of nature had to solve. After paying 3 dollars (100 baht) for the tickets, we went to photography.

Get zoo, which, incidentally, is called Dusyt, easy. You can navigate on the tourist map of public transport. And you can also walk, especially since the zoo is located in the central part of the city where you are anyway napravytes. The nearest metro station 30 minutes, but on the main street of Khaosan — just over an hour away.
Zoo welcomes visitors here this installation:

If you do not wish to bypass the entire territory of the zoo, you can buy a ticket to the observation bus, which runs the main attractions.
We decided to look at everything and everyone, so choose hiking option. First we met giraffes:

The animals are very spacious cages where they can feel more or less comfortable. Some animals are free to feed — near enclosures specially for this leave little grass.

Hippos here are calm appearance… up can not believe that this is the most dangerous animals in Africa. Kill them man — still that chew grass. Soap is looking into the camera, and he has something planned:

Walk zoo is very nice, it really can be called a holiday destination — all this contributes around.

If you want, catamaran or boat kataysya. Rental catamaran is 50 baht for half an hour (just over a dollar):

As a free bonus — you swim around huge lizards. They are not the property of the zoo, and just live in the lake and zoo built around them:

Every day in the park are all sorts of competitions involving animals, we just caught something. The point was understood only intuitively, it seems that it was some kind of home lottery in which the winner claimed the enclosure increased comfort in the new building.

If suddenly you're hungry, it does not matter, do not have to hunt. At the zoo, there are restaurants and a tray of food. Prices are almost the same as the outside of a zoo, a policy pleasantly pleased.

Porelaksuvaly and continue to tour, but covered the zoo, is holding particularly dangerous snakes, turtles and other animals.

Anyone who bought a ticket for the engine can stroll special observation bridges, overhanging the enclosures:

So do not hide from you no animal. That bear was trying to hide behind a rock and covered the face of the camera, but the pictures still hit the Internet. Now the family learns that he not joined the circus:

Competition clowns make animals, they are rapidly gaining popularity and has already overtaken hyboniv:

Walk zoo we liked, we even decided to continue this practice and make visits to zoos must point travel. So now open your rating above the title will have to think, because "Zootop" somehow sounds.

Overall, if you're in Bangkok, then do not be lazy and go to the zoo — an island of peace and harmony in the great metropolis. We hope that animals are like as well as visitors.