In one of the last reports we already talk about the production of tools for Sri Lankan fishermen, now, excuse the tautology, talk about the production tools of production. On the boat we are told, because today about how to use them to fish produced. Also remember the few traditional ways of catching marine fauna.
Fish caught on the island almost everywhere — this river and lakes, and small coves, and of course the ocean is — the main wealth and essence of Sri Lanka. The most favorable time for fishing is regulated by monsoons, so it may vary depending on the coast. To the south and west coast — a period of active northeast monsoon — from October to April. In these months, the ocean calm and here shoals migrate interested in fishing tourists.

For a fee, inquisitive foreigners can look at a very authentic way of fishing. To go fishing alone thus have to pay a bit on top. Technically — is very similar to conventional fishing from the shore, but you have to sit on a wooden pole, dug into the ocean off the coast. Great fish you catch — it is simply there, but exotic pronyknytesya. This method is not very popular among the Sri Lankans — too unfavorable labor value to fish caught.

Therefore, local fishermen gather the gang, take catamaran, net and out to sea, the other end of nets left on the shore.

More catamaran makes semicircle radius of several hundred meters, the docks and the shore team reaches the other end of the net. Then begins the long and nets stretching routine. This work involves all members of the farm and fed indifferent tourists.

Civilization and progress omitted Sri Lanka not quite — there were many catamarans engines.
If the owners of catamarans special conditions are not necessary and they can even go out to sea in a storm, their older fellow business on large boats out in the ocean with only bays equipped with breakwaters:

Now is the time to take care of and trade. Put to death in cells of fish in barrels perekochovuyut boxes:

Already weighted poured on the fish pier, where it is translated in the single-chamber "fridge" — foam box with ice:

Part of the team of the fish sold directly to the pier, the other — be packed and sent to more distant places:

The most popular fish here is tuna, it is a mass grave and you can see in the photographs.
The coastal waters of Sri Lanka rich in fish, so its price is absolutely not bite. On the day of our visit quotation marks established on the following:
Tuna — 300 rupees ($3) per kg
Barracuda, Malad — 400 rupees
Shrimp — 1000 rupees