We talked about Sri Lanka all that knew. Remained around one important topic today it is left for food — or rather of the local cuisine. If we are asked to describe in a few words Sri Lankan cuisine, then these few words are sure to be rice and curry. These two products are the main whale, which is held Lankan food tradition. This is largely explained by the strong influence of South Indian elder brother , but would be appropriate to clarify that many centuries of colonization and tropical island status and made notes in their unique local cuisine. Please remove the screens from the hungry and people with accelerated salivation, we begin.
For example, the average Lankan restaurant menu:

As we noted above, the most popular dish in Sri Lanka is rice and curry. Well, everything is clear with rice — rice he and Sri Lanka Fig. But the curries are called general any food cooked with the addition of a mixture of spices. But the exact recipe for the mixture does not exist, because actually infinite number of combinations. The most popular ingredients are black pepper, chili, coriander, cinnamon, mustard seeds, cumin, turmeric, ginger, garlic and curry leaves shrub.
If you order in a restaurant rice and curry, then most likely you bring a vegetable curry, so do not forget to specify nuances.

Further there are various combinations of rice and all sorts of different curries. Sri Lankan cuisine can be considered vegetarian — are almost never eat meat (except chicken), so second place is rice with fish curry. Sri Lankans love seafood told the Buddha, this good in coastal waters abound.

Curry, usually in small plates, can be added to rice or submitted himself alone. For example, as oily fish with curry sauce:

Or lentil-curry Dhaalu. Cooked lentil and coconut milk, often served as a sauce for rice. The widespread use of coconut — one of the characteristics Lankan cuisine. Coconut somehow found in almost any dish:

One of our favorite dishes — half sambola. This mixture of coconut pulp, ground chilies, lime juice, red onion and salt. Sambola perfect as a garnish for rice (yes, garnish to garnish, Sri Lanka is not irony), or, you can simply spread on bread.

If the main dish features you do not very attractive, it can be replaced, such as fried rice (fried rice). This unexpected culinary passage to us more like.

You can not go to Sri Lanka and not try Cotto. This is not a tourist stamp, you just do not get it. Cotto is prepared / sold on every corner, in every restaurant and fast food is the most popular on the island. Such a Sri Lankan burger, shawarma and hot dog together. The main ingredients — shredded paratha bread Lanka, spices, meat or vegetables to choose from.

There are cheese cotta with traditional rural cheese. All cotto very sharp, as the vast number of Sri Lankan dishes, as zapasaytesya water.

Special discussion deserve Lankan breakfasts. Traditionally, the breakfast is tea and jammed it any pastry.

If you order the same breakfast and you bring a mountain of different rolls, do not worry, it is not necessary to eat — further charging is only for incoming.
In a particularly advanced restaurants can serve sausage in pastry or pie with eggs.

Hoppers (Appaim) — another local cult street food.
Actually, this is the usual pancake dough with coconut milk cooked in a deep frying pan rounded — hence this form.

We recommend ordering hoppers with scrambled eggs. Above you can still sketch of a curry, then ergonomic twist — the result will please you.

And this is Rott. The food is not as popular as hoppers, but no less tasty. You can buy ready-made triangular Rott stuffed with fish or vegetables.

But even more interesting to a set of “self assemble”, which usually includes cake Rott and sambola or potato curry.

Flapjack paratha, wrapped in a newspaper, more common in the northern part of the island. It calorie and fatty foods. By the way, wrapping the food in newspaper fairly common practice. To buy such food is not recommended — yellow press usually harms digestion.

Moon kevun (mun kewum) — kind of goodies. The restaurants we have not met, but the hospitable hostess treated repeatedly.

Sri Lankan tubular cake Pitt — a combination of rice flour, fresh coconut pulp and dried coconut. According to the classical tradition of preparing cake steamed and wrapped in bamboo, but now increasingly used round metallic molds.

Cassava chips — perennial evergreen plant. In the food used like a potato root. The meal — a solid Natura product, no chemicals, cassava root, water, salt, oil for frying.

Sri Lankan omelettes — something very nutritious, but zhyrnuvata. It added local spices such as cumin and curry powder, then cooked eggs simmered with coconut oil.

Cheese is usually mixed with a syrup made from crude palm sugar. The resulting substance is something resembling yogurt. With more use, the more recalls.

As for the alcohol, then in Sri Lanka it is sold only in special stores or dragonflies, samohonnytsyamy.

The most popular local beer called Lion. Incidentally, the empty bottles in Sri Lanka is a good source of income — often the cost of the bottle is half the cost of all products. An additional argument is promiscuity receiver containers — dishes can take any form, transparency and sound.

With the most popular alcoholic beverages probably be considered arrak — coconut vodka (30-40% alcohol, rating on a scale hangover — 7.5 / 10). Turning to the scientific terminology, the arrak — a product of distillation after fermentation coconut juice.
Braga from the juice of the coconut palm is called “toddy” or “palm wine”, which is self-contained soft drinks. But among the wealthy people of Sri Lanka popular rum and whiskey.
Fans of non-alcoholic beverages can try ginger carbonated drink that Sri Lanka called ginger beer (ginger beer). The taste resembles our kvass, but a little sweeter:

In Sri Lanka there are no problems with fruit. Here you can treat yourself to all sorts of plenty fresh juice with fresh mango, papaya, orange and so on. Important warning — do not put ice in drinks if you certainly do not freeze it themselves and know from which water.
Stands apart wooden apple juice (Woodapple juice). Very original drink with sweet tart flavor. Be sure to try. Of course, this can be done in other countries of Southeast Asia, but that Sri Lanka is considered the birthplace of this plant.

Finally a few tips. Do not worry about problems with food. In Sri Lanka, everywhere there are many small restaurants, cafes, shops and more. If you do not trust the local cuisine, the resort areas you can even come across restaurants of major international networks such as KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonalds. But if you do decide to eat local, then choose exactly those restaurants where eating local. First, the more likely that you do not eat something inedible, and secondly, there really cheaper. Great lunch for one person will cost about $2.
Do not forget to wash your hands and do not talk during the meal!