Quite a bit of spending in Negombo , we go to the village Hikkaduwa — popular with tourists and surfers. The path from Negombo to Colombo Hikkaduwa goes through, which can be reached by bus or train. The trip by train takes a little longer, but will be much more comfortable. Buses also run more and go faster. Upon arrival to the capital you have to choose again between train and bus towards Galle — we chose the bus at No. 2. But if you still want to ride the train, the train station is nearby — in 10 minutes.

In Hikkaduwa we went for a reason, and the most serious intentions — that this town we chose for our temporary permanent residence. Not the last factor was also serfinhistska component, which drew its romanticism residents temperate zone.
Hikkaduwa — a small town in the southwest of Sri Lanka (100 km from the capital Colombo), which is famous for its beaches, reefs, corals and waves that lure surfers from around the world. Due to the influx of tourists in Hikkaduwa sufficiently developed infrastructure: many small hotels, ATMs, shops, places of public catering and other stray resort life. The main beach is located opposite the small villages and Narihama Tiranahama — it is here and should be addressed in the search for housing.

If you come to Hikkaduwa briefly, the ideal option for you would be hesthaus (which cost — from $5 per room), they are good enough. That hesthausi we stopped while looking house. The coastal resort towns of Sri Lanka often have approximately the same internal structure, usually passes through each town trunk road (a road in Hikkaduwa — Colombo-Galle), which roughly divides it into two parts. Jungle area — this whole area that is separated from the ocean road and the beach area — in fact everything that is on the other side of the road. There are hotels and hesthausy that go straight to the beach. Since we planned to stay in Hikkaduwa long, the search began building it in the jungle — away from the hustle and road traffic. To pick up a building that would meet our criteria of price / quality, it took us two days. It was not the easiest two days in our lives, we saw about two dozen homes. We tried to settle in unfinished houses, drove inland, but retaining the hardness of intentions, we still vselylysya quite a decent house 500 meters from the ocean.
By renting house you have to pay at least 200 dollars a month — it all depends on the distance to the ocean, the duration of the lease and the ability to communicate in Sinhala language. However, if you are a strict bekpekerom, then for you away from the ocean are "homes" cost of $100 per month.

At the time of settlement building was not the Internet, so the next day we went to Galle and entered into a contract with a local provider. First internet worked sluggishly, but after a series of persistent calls to support us yet sent an employee, after which things got better. Internet access in Sri Lanka actually represented one provider (except mobile operators) — SL Telecom, which, for its part, has only one connection type — ADSL.

To cope with the problems inside the house, time to talk about the dangers that lurk outside. In the jungles of Sri Lanka is home to quite a number of the lush fauna with whom you have a neighborly get along. The first place in our rating naynastyrlyvishyh animals we took palm protein:

Let their cute appearance not fool you — if the world there are God's punishment for people-ing, then surely in the form of palm fiber. These creatures with terrible cries begin their group jogging roof of the house since about the sixth hour of the morning.
Wikipedia claims that palm squirrels cry only when they feel danger, but we have the impression that they are frightened forever:

None of danger to people, they certainly are not, but to meet their thoughtful views and muzzle house in the most unexpected places, frankly, not very nice.
By the way, mice on the island there because their place in the food chain of local cats lizards took it:

Rightly mention of some reptiles that make the lizard were in second place — it monitors. They do not climb trees, but can not weak enough to scare delicate European tourists for its size, especially in the dark.

If your home was in close proximity to Monkey hacienda, consider that the neighbors do not you lucky. Physical damage they will certainly not cause, but willingly, not zmorhnuvshy eye, stolen everything edible. Therefore, carefully watch the harvest of bananas around the house and do not leave food in a conspicuous place unattended.

All great shops and restaurants near to the main road, but you can buy food and such small shops indepth Island:

After getting acquainted with the town can finally make a long-held dream of surfing. Surfing season in Hikkaduwa lasts from November to April, and the rest of the time (May to October) surfers spend on the eastern and north-eastern coast of the island.

Russian-speaking instructor of surfing in Hikkaduwa found unlikely to succeed, but you can learn the basics of driving if possess at least minimal knowledge of English.

Take board hire is not difficult around the beach are booth-rental, which can be recognized from a distance, is still possible to hire and instructor.

Prices of surfboards start at $300 and rental costs from $4 a day. When buying boards will convince you that after your personal surfing season you will buy back board for half price. This — the traditional local zamanuha for newcomers neophytes. Even if you never come down to the water board, the $150 in her you will not buy it. The fact that every year in Sri Lanka getting the Japanese crowds with their boards, which they then pass on a penny local traders. Therefore, the board even sell for $100 you have no chance. Moreover, before leaving you still want to get rid of it and at a lower cost. The only option not to lose money — it's board to sell its newly arrived tourists who have not yet understand the intricacies of local commerce.
South of Hikkaduwa are other, somewhat less popular serferski place: Unawatuna (25km), Midigama (35km) and Weligama (50km). You can take a tuk-tuk hire serfyty and go to another place.
Ends our story traditional heading "Helpful Hints". Most likely, the island you have to use an ATM to withdraw money. Not sure, as in other cities, but in Hikkaduwa on multiple devices, we have found Skimmers (tool for reading magnetic track credit card). We have asked the Bank to report "an interesting finding," but there's something our joy is not shared and no action for the security service did not take. Eventually we found another ATM safe, so we encourage you to pay special attention to suspicious devices that can be installed in card reader, third-party cover or visors ATM.