If you look at a map of Valencia, the eye catches a green strip that crosses almost the entire city from east to west. Its length is about 11 km and Valencia city is not very large. Another question is who would dream of breaking a large park in the center if the city can monitor the office and shopping centers. But suppose it happens.

But let’s start with history. It all started in 1957 when the historical center of Valencia is seriously affected by the flood of the River Turia. Then the city authorities decided that with such a dangerous neighbor needed something to do. I decided — let the new river channel in the country. And in the days of arranged drained park for residents and visitors alike. In 1989 the park was given to the construction of the Science Museum, later the plan added a planetarium and a tower communications. Tender won the famous architect Santiago Calatrava futurist, so people City of Arts and Sciences is often called “Calatrava center”. 1998 opened the first door of the cities — L’Hemisfèric (Cinema IMAX, Planetarium).
2000 opened El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe (Science Museum). After three years in operation passed the biggest aquarium in Europe L’Oceanogràfic. Spanish rozlastylysya in 2005 introduced the Calatrava building grand opera Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía. 2009 opened last, today object — multifunctional complex L’Àgora.
The park has many playgrounds for children:

One of the most recognizable buildings in the city — Museum of Science (El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe):

Freakish science begins in front of the museum. People can stand at different ends of the arch, to speak in a whisper and hear each other perfectly:

Our first stop — the aquarium. It would seem that there is such, everything shown on TV. And really — glass and sat down with his mouth open looking at the fish.

If you look at seals, it is difficult to determine who of us pay for a ticket because they view yet of no less interest than we do.

If you know Spanish, you can attend a lecture oceanographer. Instead, the board or screen — a huge aquarium. Great idea!

During our brief report will not say that it is the largest aquarium in Europe. Repent, really quickly once ran. To assess the real scale, you can look at a map. As you can see, objects are sufficient. Oceanarium is divided into geographical areas, each has its own themed buildings, flora and fauna, underground and above ground level. If all study carefully, here you can spend at least 2-3 hours of exciting.

But we did not have much time. We planned to reach a scientific museum before sunset. Inside it became clear that not all lifts, reported a nice ad.

It is a paradise for curious children and adults. A lot of the exhibits, everything can polapaty, twist, ponatyskaty. If we in school was something we would certainly become scientists! And now be laid Solitaire in the office of a research institute.

Incidentally, the distance from young people to the TV — is the length of our digestive tract. Actually, rope and it shows.