We have already mentioned the existing types of Indian public transport, talked about rickshaws and metro. Today we continue this truly a colorful subject and tell you more about Indian buses, rather — of their Keralskyy subspecies, which we are well acquainted in the south of this wonderful country.
Roads of India busses two forms of property: private and public. Almost always the starting point of any bus route is:
Number of buses in India is huge. They are sent at intervals of half an hour and you can get almost anywhere. Incidentally, the Indian bus ride possible and at night — they work around the clock. At the box office bus tickets are sold only at the bus-distance train, others can be purchased already in the bus conductor.
To distinguish public bus (Public Bus) from private (Private Bus) quite easily. All public buses painted by one color scheme and no longer interesting features stand out. For example, in Kerala they yellow and red:
In privateers, as always, more imagination, because their buses are much more original. Each private bus has its own name, often — female. We hope that our magazine male audience would agree that much more enjoyable to drive, for example, or Oksana Violetta than in Gaza, or Rafik Bogdan. In general, there are buses with the names of male:
It is worth mentioning also the other small differences — the price and quality. State buses used mainly poor Indian society. For them, the word comfort does not bear virtually no meaning, so instead of seats in these buses often occur wooden benches. Distances between rows matched perfectly to spoil your mood, and the glass in the windows never existed:
Instead of glass equipped buses shutters — and save the rain, and do not cause envy to passengers who are fortunate enough to take a seat by the window:
Private bus will cost you a bit more expensive, but much difference you probably will not notice. Higher price — this is often pay for fewer people in the cabin. However, sometimes while traveling you can enjoy watching any Indian film on TV, but again — these charms service for our brother tourist is controversial. Move in the space of private traders also noticeably faster, although it is not always safe.
Crew any bus must consist of two persons. Driver…
The conductor takes care of each passenger personally, because according to our tradition transfer money for travel is required. In exchange for money conductor gives written by hand or printed on a miniature cash register ticket:
The Indian bus you never hear the usual cries from the rear platform type "Driver, stop!" Or "The next please!" In India everything is much tech — next to the driver bolted mechanical call or sometimes a bell:
The rope can pull not only passengers, telling the driver to stop, but the conductor. If the conductor smykne for lace once fast — you stop two short twitch mean that all passengers got on and your movement, and long intermittent sound of people on the street reported that the bus is going to take back:
We do seemed so civilized and comfortable that we immediately imbued with respect and love for Indian buses.
This form is elemental bus stop:
Interesting features. Keralski buses tacitly divided into male and the female, often left the boys and girls — to the right. Indian buses can sit on the floor. The most important person is the bus conductor. His unlimited power it can only give you a special manifestation of mercy — seats or select it…